Politics & Society

Santa Fe Independent Film Festival

October 19, 2016

Maisie Crow On her documentary Jackson


A great documentary about the last abortion clinic in Mississippi, full of terrific people and new information about a long-controversial topic.

Santa Fe Independent Film Festival

October 17, 2016

This week on the Radio Cafe we’re featuring interviews with directors from the Santa Fe Independent Film Festival.

Tom Donahue Director of the documentary Thank You For Your Service


I think this film should be seen by every citizen of this country. Important, beautifully done, moving. The filmmaker will be in Santa Fe for the Saturday and Sunday screenings of the film. Here’s the schedule for all the screenings:

Fri. Oct. 21 1:15 PM
Sat. Oct. 22 11:30 AM
Sun. Oct. 23 1:10 PM

Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan

April 25, 2016

Amy Goodman Executive producer and host of Democracy Now and Denis Moynihan Co-author with Amy and David Goodman of the new book Democracy Now: Twenty Years Covering the Movements Changing America

Amy goodman & Denis moynihan