
Roger Wiens

September 23, 2016

Roger Wiens Leader of the Chem Cam project on the Mars Rover Curiosity, member of the Space Remote Sensing Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and author of the book Red Rover: Inside the Story of Robotic Space Exploration, from Genesis to the Mars Rover Curiosity.


Simon DeDeo

August 19, 2016

Simon DeDeo Santa Fe Institute and Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, on Charles Darwin

Simon Dedeo

This show aired on KUNM Public Radio on August 19.

First audio: Broadcast version

Second Audio: Unabridged version

Nancy Owen Lewis

July 22, 2016

Nancy Owen Lewis Cultural anthropologist, scholar-in-residence at the School for Advanced Research in Santa Fe. She’s author of the new book Chasing The Cure in New Mexico: Tuberculosis and the Quest for Health, published by the Museum of New Mexico Press

Chasing the Cure

This show aired on KUNM Public Radio on July 22.

Barbara King

April 27, 2016

Barbara King Biological anthropologist at the College of William and Mary, blogger for NPR, author of several books, including How Animals Grieve, on her talk, Animal Emotion, sponsored by the School for Advanced Research.

Barbara King


Psychedelics Conference Part 3

April 15, 2016

Allan Badiner Activist and writer, contributing editor to Tricycle Magazine, editor of the new edition of Zig Zag Zen: Buddhism and Psychedelics, published by Synergetic Press, on the board of the CBD Project
Ralph Metzner Psychologist, writer, founder of the Green Earth Foundation, author of many books, including Allies for Awakening and Green Psychology
Don Lattin Author and journalist; his books include Distilled Spirits, The Harvard Psychedelic Club, and his forthcoming books is titled, Changing Our Minds: The Reemergence of Psychedelics for Mental Health and Spiritual Growth.


Dennis McKenna

Dennis McKenna Ethnopharmacologist, founding board member of the Heffter Research Institute;  assistant professor at the Center for Spirituality and Healing at the University of Minnesota, and author of The Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss: My Life with Terrence McKenna.

Dennis McKenna