
Philip Connors

May 19, 2015

Philip Connors Fire lookout in the Black Range of the Gila National Forest, author of the book Fire Season: Field Notes from a Wilderness Lookout, and author of the recent Orion Magazine article, “Beauty in the Burn: Fire and Rebirth in the Forest.”

Phil Conners

Brent Bonwell, Peter Prince, Jennifer Sublett

May 11, 2015

Brent Bonwell Vice President of the Santa Fe Fat Tire Society, Peter Prince Fat Tire Society member and certified crew leader for the US Forest Service, and Jennifer Sublett District Volunteer Coordinator for the US Forest Service

Brent Peter Jennifer

Tom Butler

April 27, 2015

Tom Butler Editorial projects director of the Foundation for Deep Ecology, and president of the Northeast Wilderness Trust. He’s the author of two books, Wildlands Philanthropy, and Energy: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth. He is editor of the new book, Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot.

Population Media Center
Global Population Speakout
Population Institute

Tom Butler